Tuesday, 31 May 2011


21/52 Mechanical, originally uploaded by afortiorama.

This is my first watch. My father bought it for me when I was 7. That birthday also my mum bought me a watch, it was made of red plastic and it was digital, more appropriate for a 7 or 8 year old perhaps but definitely not as nice as this one. My parents had separated one or two year erlier. In the separation/divorce struggle my mum was the weakest being a woman who dropped everything when she got married and being left with nothing and two children. As a kid my loyalty went to her and my dad was the devil. I was torn apart when they both got me a watch and I preferred my father's one. I think that was one of the defining moments of my life.

The other defining moment I will always have stuck in my brain was when my grandpa bought me a beautiful big box of staedtler colored pens and at school I was forced to share it. Of course the pens were broken within two days. It was devastating. To add insult to injury I was told by my sister or my aunt that it was my fault I had brought the box to school. But if you have something you are proud of you want to show it off, is it not? Especially if you are 8 years old. Normally teachers know when it is the case to ask someone to share and when it is not. Mine didn't.

Berlusconi lost the elections in Milan and most other cities yesterday. It feels like another dead weight has fallen off my shoulders. I'm not in Italy and could only celebrate online, but I'm soooo proud of Milan right now.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

The Great Pacer

The Great Pacer, originally uploaded by afortiorama.

I'm in my house silence. Right now the only sound is that of the wind in the trees and the birds coming through the open back door. What am I doing? I'm pacing aimlessly up and down like a caged animal. If you want to get out of prison you don't need to know the prison inch by inch you just need to get out.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Vanity, Greed and Envy

20/52 Vanity, Greed and Envy, originally uploaded by afortiorama.

Or yellow and color spaces..... I converted everything to sRGB now, well the camera and my computer screen. I noticed that many pictures that had great colours on my screen were awfully saturated on others. I thought it might be the bad quality of screens of the screen I've seen around, but eventually red and yellows were soooooooooo intensily saturated that I had to give up. It wasn't the screens it was the mismatched color space I was using. AdobeRGB mutes a lot of colors and sRGB which is more restricted converts those muted colours in more saturated tones. But now tah dah!! I can correct the problem because I'm in sRGB and when the saturation is a bit too much I can take it down a notch without seeing a lifeless colour on my screen. Of course although sRGB is the most common colour space used not all the screens are set to use it and someone will always see the wrong saturation and the wrong temperature.