The cherry with only one developed branch has produced also some cherries this year. Not as many that they cannot be counted but enough to be notice if some are missing - I suspect it might have produced a couple last year two but they were gone before they could be noticed. Primary suspect is The Squirrel. My guess is that next year there will be either many cherries or a very fat squirrel. Hopefully also a second branch to balance the current one or secondary trunk from the twigs I've left grow this year at the base. I don't know why those cherries make me so happy. The apple has grown almost 4 times it's original size and produced many decorative apples and I'm happy about it but not as thrilled. Perhaps it is the struggle this cherry tree has to produce something that endears it so much to me and keeps me glued every year to see what happens. Maybe I feel an affinity. My brother the cherry tree. :)
Previous pictures.