Monday, 7 September 2015

Garden Ramblings

I think my neighbour mountain ash tree (that with elongated dented leaves and clusters of orange berries) has reproduced in my garden. It's not the first time I gain a new plant like this but I'm surprised that I manage to recognise the potential of a seedling not to be a weed and I'm pretty sure that if I did plant them willingly I would be frustrated. There are other 3 different type of seedlings that look interesting 2 are now big enough to look like 2 type of ivy and I'm waiting to see what the third will become. Now the decision I have to take is if to transplant them before the winter. I think I'll wait for spring.

Hard work and patience. This spider has rebuilt his web already twice, once from scratch, plus several small repairs. Since I never see it in the morning I wonder if it has other webs to attend to like a real landlord. It's bigger than usual so I assume it is a rich well fed spider. :)

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Life of a cherry tree

It is remarkable and even surprising that my cherry is still alive and thriving. I used to make posts on flickr, with a summary of the struggle and here on this blog about it being really slow at growing and its very asymmetrical growth taking pictures every year and being happy for every new flower or every new cherry it produced, but I never realised how much dead wood it had to overcome to grow. It is surprising it is still alive at all. I have other examples of plants suddenly regrowing from little and not so little pieces in my garden, the most remarkable of which was the deepest roots of a fuchia I eradicated years before because I thought it was dead, sprouting once again from under the rose that took its place (sprouts have been carefully moved to a vase now and are happily producing more and more branches) or the buddleia buzz midnight eradicated by the wind this year that didn't die, but the cherry is for me the most impressive. I've always found it a good metaphor of how I feel about myself and when I'm a bit low on morals I go to look at it and I feel reassured, even more now in the knowledge that even if there was dead wood slowing everything down it will crumble away and disappear at some point. I'm happy I kept it and didn't go to buy another specimen. If it ain't completely dead life will take over. Next update next year.