Monday, 7 September 2015

Garden Ramblings

I think my neighbour mountain ash tree (that with elongated dented leaves and clusters of orange berries) has reproduced in my garden. It's not the first time I gain a new plant like this but I'm surprised that I manage to recognise the potential of a seedling not to be a weed and I'm pretty sure that if I did plant them willingly I would be frustrated. There are other 3 different type of seedlings that look interesting 2 are now big enough to look like 2 type of ivy and I'm waiting to see what the third will become. Now the decision I have to take is if to transplant them before the winter. I think I'll wait for spring.

Hard work and patience. This spider has rebuilt his web already twice, once from scratch, plus several small repairs. Since I never see it in the morning I wonder if it has other webs to attend to like a real landlord. It's bigger than usual so I assume it is a rich well fed spider. :)