Sunday, 19 May 2013

Cleaning considerations

62/365 Washing time!, originally uploaded by afortiorama.
I have to admit I don't clean that much. My aproach to cleaning is the epic fight against the evil that happens once a year. The only rooms I keep moderately clean are the kitchen and the bathroom.  The epic fight might stretch over few weeks and when I finish I start to obsess over small stains I left and I go around with a mop in my hand for several days and then everything starts more or less degrading until the next epic fight. This brought me to some existential considerations on the meaning of life, house cleaning and I reached some conclusions:

a) cleaning is a never ending job I mean you clean and even if you don't move after a while you need to clean again. I live alone and can limit the damage but if there were more people in the house the potential for mucking grows exponentially.

b) if it is really clean you can spot a stain from much further away and feel the compulsion to clean it. That's the reason I have this mopping reaction after the big clean. And I can see how that might look like obsessing over cleaning.

c) I cannot even imagine if I had a family after spending time cleaning if someone soiled it again immediately. The cat does it already but it's a cat and the worst she does is leaving footprints in the kitchen if it is raining.

d) I need to reduce the epic fights, increase the skirmishes and change weapons. So I bought 10L of vinegar and 1kg of baking soda. Will see how it goes.

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